
Demi says, "Be vocal." We say, "Yes, indeed."

At the Democratic National Convention in July, 23-year-old mental health advocate and international pop star Demi Lovato stood up and told the nation, "We can do better. Every one of us can make a difference." Here's what we're doing this month to be part of this very important effort.

Have a great month and let us know if we can be of service!

All the best, Faith Richie, SVP of Development, Telecare

Talking About Substance Use and Mental Health

We created an education program that helps consumers learn and talk about substance use and mental health in a blame-free, shame-free, pressure-free environment. It's helping to spark new conversations.

Learn about our recent presentation at the NCAD Conference in August.

A Staff Member's Journey

“I knew I was going to always advocate for mental health afterword. I was always going to do something, but I didn’t know it would turn into this.”
-Thurman Williams, former STEPS member, current TAO staff

Read more about Thurman!

Older Adult Care

We shared our knowledge about tailoring care for older adult clients in
inpatient settings. 

Learn about our strategies for creating a culture of prevention.

New AOT Programs

We’re combining efforts with county organizations, and members
of the community.

We invite you to take a look at our newest Laura’s Law programs in:

Having Fun at NAMI!

Our crew showed up at NAMI California this year with high spirits, great information, and lots of candy!

Telecare is once again a proud sponsor of NAMI’s statewide conference.

September Stuff!

News you can use — and a little fun and inspiration — from around the internet and our programs.

There are many ways to promote mental health awareness — take a look and see for yourself!