Here's a familiar scenario: you've solicited an RFP and awarded the program to a provider. 
You've chosen the best provider you can. You've done your part to create the vision. Now what? Will they open the program in a timely manner, staffed and certified as planned? Will the facility be top-notch? Will the community, consumers, and stakeholders be included? Will YOU feel informed, involved, and good about the process? Will the start-up effort reflect well on your team, too?

I know these are big concerns, and very important ones at that. So this month and next month we're giving you a deeper look inside our start-up team and start-up process at Telecare. 

We begin with Part One this month:  How We Bring Programs to Life:  Anatomy of a Start-Up, including a short video and a downloadable 2-page summary of start-up team functions.
Why are we doing this? The main reason is that when you contract with us to operate a new program, we know it is an act of trust. We want you to know that we take this very seriously and have built an infrastructure to bring new programs to life.

Also in this issue, we're pleased to be opening a new Psychiatric Health Facility in El Dorado County in early 2015.

All the best,
Faith Richie, SVP of Development, Telecare Corporation

P.S. You can find Part Two here: Starting New Programs: Great Teams, Great Results